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Which food should be eaten on an empty stomach and should not be eaten an empty stomach?

Which food should be eaten on an empty stomach and should not be eaten an empty stomach?

Many people eat whatever they want when they feel hungry in the morning. It can cause various problems like gas or indigestion. There is a long gap between night and breakfast. And it is very important to eat properly at this time. Because the right food on an empty stomach keeps our digestion functioning throughout the day. A proper morning meal will keep you active throughout the day and will give your body energy and build immunity.

Food is the most important thing to keep the body fit and healthy. Without proper food, the body will not be nourished.

As a result, there may be other kinds of problems from there. We all are busy in our daily life.

I have been running all day. As a result, we do not remember to eat at the right time. I eat whatever I want when I'm hungry.

From there, various problems like gas-heartburn, indigestion are seen.

Which foods are more beneficial if eaten on an empty stomach?

Huney, papaya and amalki
 Soaked Almonds

Eating almonds on an empty stomach also provides many health benefits. Almonds are rich in manganese, vitamin E, protein, fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Soaking it overnight is more beneficial.

Almond skin contains tannins that inhibit the absorption of nutrients in your body. So they should always be peeled before eating them. Almonds will give you the right dose of nutrients, which will help you sharpen your mind as well as boost your memory.



Eating a handful of almonds for breakfast is healthy. It plays a very important role in the intestines. They not only improve digestion but also normalize the pH level of your stomach. You can include raisins, almonds and pistachios in your daily diet. However, you should eat them in moderation, as overeating can lead to bloating and weight gain.


You can eat dates on an empty stomach after waking up. Dates are rich in fiber, which can relieve constipation. Dates help to improve digestion. There are no such problems like diarrhea or upset stomach. Because dates are rich in potassium.

Honey in hot water 

Drinking honey mixed with warm water every morning increases the performance of the stomach. As a result, the problem of indigestion or gas-heartburn does not get a chance to raise its head. Along with this, several nutrients present in honey play a special role in reducing the problem of acidity and it is essential to keep the immune system of the body strong.


Papaya on an empty stomach in the morning is the right option to control bowel movements. Papaya acts as a superfood on an empty stomach. The most interesting thing is that papaya is available throughout the year. Papaya contains vitamin A, C, K, magnesium, potassium and protein. Also contains a lot of fiber. And papaya is very low in calories. It also tastes sweet, which is why diabetic patients are allowed to eat a bowl of ripe papaya every day.


You can have watermelon in your diet after waking up in the morning. Consisting of 90% water, this fruit provides a huge portion of hydration to the body. It reduces cravings for sweets. Watermelon is rich in electrolytes and also contains high amounts of the compound lycopene, which is beneficial for heart and eye health.


Eggs have a lot of nutritional value. And so you can eat eggs as you like. Eating a boiled egg on an empty stomach will be beneficial. You won't even feel very hungry throughout the day. Research shows that if you wake up in the morning and eat a boiled egg, you will get a good calorie from that egg than you need for the whole day.

Amalki juice 

If you can eat Amalki juice on an empty stomach, then life will increase. Amalaki contains vitamin C. It will make the skin clean, the hair healthy and the eyes healthy. However, no tea or coffee can be consumed within 45 minutes of consuming amlaki juice.


Porridge is a great option if you want a low-calorie and high-nutrition breakfast. Porridge, especially made from oatmeal, is a superfood for breakfast. Amazing in taste but also healthy for the body. Eating porridge on an empty stomach flushes out toxins from the body and keeps the gut healthy. Eating oatmeal keeps your stomach full longer so you can avoid overeating as well. Provides a huge portion of hydration. It only reduces the desire to eat sweets. We also do not consume extra calories by eating it. Watermelon is rich in electrolytes and also contains high amounts of the compound lycopene, which is beneficial for heart and eye health.

What foods should not be eaten on an empty stomach?

Every meal has certain timings and rules. It is not necessary to eat any kind of food when you are hungry. There are certain foods that are eaten on an empty stomach that harm the body in various ways. Here are some such foods.

Tea and coffee

Many of us have a bad habit of having a cup of tea or coffee on waking up in the morning. But do you know that drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach is harmful to our body? Yes, coffee contains caffeine which increases stomach acid levels when consumed on an empty stomach. Moreover it also damages our hormonal process. And tea contains high levels of acid which causes gastric and ulcer diseases in the body when consumed on an empty stomach.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

Many of us love to eat tomatoes and cucumbers as a salad. Eating tomatoes and cucumbers on an empty stomach does a lot of harm to our body. Because tomatoes and cucumbers contain a lot of acid which causes acidity when eaten on an empty stomach.


Banana is one of the balanced foods. Because it contains various nutrients needed by the body. Bananas are rich in potassium, magnesium and minerals. Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases potassium, magnesium and mineral levels in the blood. As a result, potassium and magnesium imbalance in the blood causes heart problems.

Fermented food

Fermented foods in our country are yogurt and pickles. Eating these foods on an empty stomach increases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the body. Moreover, the lactic acid present in yogurt kills bacteria. As a result, various physical problems including acidity occur in the body.

Cold drinks

Cold drinks are the favorite drink of many of us during summer. But don't start drinking cold drinks right after waking up. Because by drinking cold drinks on an empty stomach, the carbon dioxide present in it affects the mucous membrane of the stomach. Not only this, the rate of blood circulation in the body also decreases as a result. It causes various problems in the body including digestive problems.

Citrus fruit

Eating different types of citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, jams, grapes, grapefruits etc. is very beneficial for the body. But even eating them on an empty stomach does a lot of harm to the body. Because they contain different types of acids which produce different diseases including acidity in the body.

Sweet food

Sweet foods like sweets, sandesh, rasmalai, jaggery, sugar - if eaten on an empty stomach, increase insulin levels in the body, thereby increasing the chances of diabetes.

Spicy food

Many Bengali people like to eat spicy food. But eating spicy food on an empty stomach is absolutely not right. Acidic reaction causes heartburn. And regular consumption of spicy food leads to outbreak of various diseases in the stomach.

Foods with yeast

Yeast-containing foods such as pastries or patties, cakes, bread, bread, biscuits, etc. are usually eaten during tea and breakfast. But remember that these foods cannot be eaten on an empty stomach. Eating them on an empty stomach causes a lot of gas in the stomach, which causes diseases like ulcers.

So you can see that not all types of food can be eaten all the time. So you should eat a moderate amount following a few rules. Try to avoid bad habits. Care should be taken to maintain good health. Because living healthy is the main thing. 

Follow this pattern for a week and you will notice the change in yourself. Be well everyone.

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